Congratulations to featured Department of Medicine faculty members for 2020 Educator Appreciation Day

The annual Educator Appreciation Day is a special acknowledgment for Emory University School of Medicine faculty members who lend their passion and skills to educate, encourage, and support scholars and learners across Emory. Their work extends beyond the classroom and into the community impacting generation after generation.

In recognition of this year’s Educator Appreciation Day, the Emory Medicine Recognitions Committee sent out a call for nominations for educators who go above and beyond the call of duty as teachers and mentors.

Please join us in congratulating the following  Department of Medicine faculty members featured by the committee!

Quotes below were taken from the nomination materials.

Sivan Ben-Moshe, MD (General Medicine and Geriatrics)

“Dr. Ben-Moshe is very passionate about teaching principles of geriatrics and palliative medicine to learners.”

“Dr. Ben-Moshe is full of innovative ideas to modify the curriculum.”

“Dr. Ben-Moshe is a very talented rising star in Emory Department of Medicine.”


Jennifer Brandt, MD (Rheumatology)

“Dr. Brandt recognized that rheumatology fellows were not receiving frequent clinical feedback and that faculty members were uncomfortable with giving feedback. On her own, she created a new feedback program for the rheumatology clinic and set up an educational session for the rheumatology faculty!”

“Dr. Brandt took over the position as assistant program director of the rheumatology fellowship program this past year, and she has gone above and beyond with innovating the rheumatology curriculum and mentoring the fellows.”

“When Dr. Brandt is covering the inpatient service, she always makes a point to e-mail articles to the residents and fellows about each patient case.”


Tracy Henry

Tracey Henry, MD (General Medicine and Geriatrics)

“As the Director of the Health Policy Curriculum for IM residents, Dr. Henry’s inspirational teaching style has resulted in her residents taking meaningful action: testifying before the state legislator on issues affecting our patients, call to actions during the COVID pandemic, blogs and op-eds to improving access to care for our vulnerable patient populations.”

“Dr. Henry is a passionate educator whose unique teaching style connects with students both in the classrooms and in the clinical setting on the wards. She meets learners where they are to maximize their potential.”

“Dr. Henry has created and directs the Emory EMPACT program which facilitates medical students to learn in a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Her programming, didactics and mentorship have been invaluable.”


Aley Kalapila, MD, PhD (Infectious Diseases)

“Dr. Kalapila develops content for a national HIV curriculum used widely across the country for providers of all levels of training.”

“Dr. Kalapila passionately and rigorously trains and mentors students, residents, and fellows on inpatient and outpatient HIV care, and is constantly thinking about innovations in how trainees are taught at every level.”

“Dr. Kalapila both provides and teaches HIV/ID care for vulnerable populations facing substance use disorder and infectious diseases complications through the community organization, the Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition.”


Jennifer Lom, MD (General Medicine and Geriatrics)

“Transforms processes for learner growth and assessment into tangible learning milestones.”

“Takes time to redesign curricula to meet the needs of our current and rapidly changing clinical environment during the COVID pandemic.”

“Demonstrates professionalism and a work environment that embraces learner concerns as it relates to delivering care in a rapidly changing environment.”


Noble Maleque, MD (Hospital Medicine)

“He is a great educator for our faculty members with grand rounds and mini AHA lectures.”

“He serves at the APD here at EUHM and is very involved in education for medical students and residents.”

“Great mentor for many junior faculty”


Viniya Patidar, MD (Hospital Medicine)

“Great attending on teaching service, her interns love working with her.”

“Has worked very hard on Open Mic education series at EUHM for interesting clinical cases”

“Great communicator among different healthcare providers”

“Has been leading the telemetry initiative for Emory and has provided significant education surrounding this for faculty”


Varun Phadke, MD (Infectious Diseases)

“Revolutionized ID lectures and Immunology thread in the medical students Foundations curriculum. Widely beloved by students as a fantastic lecturer.”

“Created the new COVID elective for medical students in a very short period of time when students were pulled off of clinical rotations suddenly.”

“Received outstanding evaluations for his medical school Microbiology courses.”

“Varun has successfully redesigned all didactics on the medicine clerkship. Through his keen innovation, he has created and implemented an intentional, stepwise pathway integrating clinical knowledge, reasoning and skills. The students have given rave reviews and repeatedly commented on how intentional the curriculum feels, as if we are guiding them through medicine and purposely setting a path for growth.”


Francois Rollin, MD (General Medicine and Geriatrics)

“Humble, hard working, acknowledges and understands learner needs”

“Willing to step in and teach through role modeling, while always maintaining a positive attitude”

“Tackles new initiatives with energy and enthusiasm, transforming them into curricula and educational tools in real time, which is essential admist the COVID pandemic.”


Sahar Taghvaei, MD (Hospital Medicine)

“Interested in education for our patients on coping strategies for stressors and patient centered health initiatives”

“Innovative curriculum for wellness for faculty including balant groups, meditation, narrative writing related to the COVID era for wellness education.”


Theresa Vettese, MD (General Medicine and Geriatrics)

“Dr. Vettese is a stellar and outstanding educator both for the residents and faculty for whom she teaches and mentors. She provides systematic feedback to improve our own clinical and educational skills.”

“Dr. Vettese’s opioid curriculum has been quite timely and well received by the residents. The information taught has empowered and equipped residents to mitigate the opioid epidemic with safe prescribing practices.”

“She is an innovator educator whose passion allows her to be an effective teacher in skills-training in physician-patient communication.”


Jason Williams, MD (Hospital Medicine)

“Serves as procedure medicine teacher and supervisor for guiding internal medicine residents to improve their procedural skills at VA medical center”

“Helps to lead a POCUS committee across division to streamline efforts for faculty education and skill building in POCUS.”

“Serves as a faculty mentor and educator in the arena of POCUS and how to use POCUS (point of care ultrasound) for medical decision making.”


Click here to view the entire list of featured School of Medicine faculty.

About the Author

Emory Department of Medicine
The Department of Medicine, part of Emory University's School of Medicine, promotes excellence in education, patient care, and clinical and basic research.

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