Division Administrator Spotlight: Tony Haney

The Department of Medicine is the largest department at Emory University and functions with the committed service of our administrative staff — most notably, our division administrators. In this series, we get to know the talented individuals who manage the day-to-day operations of our ten department divisions.

Read our interview with Tony Haney, administrator for the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. Haney shares how his career path led to the DOM, what he enjoys about life in Atlanta, and more!

How did your career path lead you to the DOM?
My entire career has been primarily focused on accounting and finance, which started in the US Air Force. After serving four years in the Air Force and four years as a DoD civilian working in finance and acquisitions in Orlando, FL, I relocated to the Atlanta area to be closer to my family in Alabama. I began working for a London-based construction company in Midtown as a staff accountant. After a few years of doing this, I wanted a position within an organization that made a greater impact in the community. The more I learned about Emory, the more focused I became on obtaining a position within Emory, and specifically, the School of Medicine. The perfect opportunity came in August 2012 when I was hired as the accountant for the DOM. Since 2012, my leadership role has given me the opportunity to grow, get promoted, and obtain my MBA. I’ve been extremely blessed to have leaders and colleagues who have supported me throughout my endeavors within the institution.

What is the most surprising thing about being an administrator?
For me, the most surprising thing about being an administrator is all the different faucets of operations that come with the position. With each element of the position, there are so many small details that can have large implications on the overall success of the division. It’s a tough but rewarding position.

Is there a specific division project or initiative that you’re excited about?
The Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine is an exciting division in general. We have so many interesting aspects in research and on the clinical side. Our research faculty and clinical faculty do so much incredible work, and I’m amazed that I can play a tiny role in their activities. Our faculty inspire me every day because they are on the front lines of research and patient health, all while being just great people. I know this doesn’t answer the question directly, but I want to recognize all their efforts.

What is the best career advice you’ve received?
The best career advice I ever received came from the Air Force — always have integrity no matter the situation or outcome, and always be willing to step up and assist.

What do you enjoy most about living in Atlanta?
I grew up in a very rural part of Alabama (the entire county only has a population of 14,000). Being raised in such a rural area was great and I wouldn’t change anything. However, in my adult life, I love the diversity that Atlanta offers. Much like Orlando, Atlanta has something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a new adventure, hobby, trying new food, or interested in learning about a different culture, Atlanta has it all. The best part about Atlanta and Emory is all the great people that I have met.

What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
This is a great question. One funny item that most people don’t know about me is that I love peanuts in my soda (it’s a country thing). I also like to write and read poems. I’ve only allowed one or two people to see the poems that I have written. My favorite writing is called “Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann, which I read from time to time when I need to refocus my thoughts.


About the Author

Emory Department of Medicine
The Department of Medicine, part of Emory University's School of Medicine, promotes excellence in education, patient care, and clinical and basic research.

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